Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thoughts on the 2008 Presidential Race from Al Mohler

Al Mohler had some comments concerning the 2008 presidential race this last Friday. I particularly agree with his following comment:

“The rhetoric of the race -- and the rhetoric of many evangelicals -- is disturbing. This race is important and necessarily so. We are talking about the next President of the United States, after all. But evangelicals have invested far too much hope in the political process. No government can make people good, transform humanity, or eliminate sin. The political sphere is important, but never ultimate. Jesus Christ is Lord -- and He will be Lord regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.”

How true. And I certainly wish evangelicals would put as much effort into building their relationship with Jesus Christ and knowledge of the truth of His Word, as they do in their political pursuits.

The battle will not be ultimately won on the political front. Only Jesus Christ can truly change the hearts of men and women. It is infinitely more important that we concentrate on the proclamation of the Gospel and the straight forward truth of Scripture. It is not that I advocate ignoring the political process altogether. Believers should be responsible citizens and vote for the condidates that best reflect our values, especially in a nation where we have the privilege to do so. But I think evangelicals have become too engrossed in the process to the point that we have dropped the ball on guarding the truth of Scripture in our churches.

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